About Us

Lomas del Mar ASADA offers a range of services to meet the needs of our community. With a dedicated team, we strive to provide exceptional service in every aspect. From water supply management to wastewater treatment, we ensure that our residents have access to clean and reliable water resources. With a commitment to sustainability, we continuously work towards improving efficiency and reducing environmental impact. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for everyone in Lomas del Mar by delivering reliable and efficient services.

Fun Facts
In Lomas del Mar there are a total of 68 water meters:
17 - full-time residents
17 - homes that are not rented
17 - rentals (e.g. AirBnB)
4 - construction
14 - other (gardens, business, etc.)

Haz una donación / Make A Donation

El único ingreso que genera la ASADA es el consumo de agua. Las tarifas que se cobran son establecidas por el Gobierno de Costa Rica y, lamentablemente, no son suficientes para todo el trabajo que se necesita hacer para garantizar agua limpia, confiable y eficiente para la comunidad de Lomas del Mar. Su donación marca la diferencia y significa mucho para nosotros y la Comunidad de Lomas del Mar. Todo se destina a actualizar nuestra infraestructura y realizar el trabajo necesario para que podamos escribir Cartas del Agua una vez más.

¡Muchas gracias!

Los siguientes enlaces le permitirán pagar con su tarjeta de débito o crédito... ya sea en colones o en dólares estadounidenses

Donar en Colones

Donar en Dolares

The only income that is generated by the ASADA is through water consumption. The fees charged are prescribed by the Government of Costa Rica and unfortunately, it's just not adequate for all the work that needs to be done to ensure clean, reliable and efficient water to the Lomas del mar community. Your donation does make a difference and means a lot to us and the Community of Lomas del Mar. It all goes towards updating our infrastructure and doing the work required so that we can write Water Letters once again.

Thank you so much!

The following links will allow you to pay using your debit/credit card ... either in Colones or in USDollars

Donate in Colones

Donate in Dollars

Step-by-step Guide